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September 22, 2011

Model United Nations Conference: General Assembly Conference - Binus International School Simprug 2011

The Model United Nations Comitte of Binus International School Simprug would cordially invite you the Binus Model United Nations Conference 2011 (details in previous post).


BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SIMPRUG is working in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to hold the BINUS MODEL UNITED NATION CONFERENCE, 2011. This is a highly recomended event for those who have a great interest on what is happening around the world, its problems and what we can do to help stop these problems.
  • Through this activity, students are aimed to learn about the rules and regulations of a United Nations General Assembly Conference, and the skills of a diplomat in a United Nations conference, such as:  The arts of public - speaking, conversing and debating.
  • Moreover, we invite guest speakers from the Japanese Embassy, BMKG, and the University of Atmajaya to hold a workshop, and encourage participants to learn about current global issues in order to broaden their horizons, and trigger their empathy for their surroundings.

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